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Welcome to Giulia (Julia), release V 1.0
The .ZIP content of the “DOWNLOAD AREA” of this page “” is hosted on the website “” and released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. By reading this page and downloading its contents you accept both the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 terms applied on this page “” and the general Terms and Conditions applied to the website “”.
What is Giulia? Giulia is a downloadable and 3d printable learning set for visually impaired people of all ages as well as anyone else.
What does Giulia do? Giulia helps you in understanding the principles of the cartesian space, algebraic number theory, and algebraic solids.
Do I have to pay for Giulia? You can download the .stl models for free. The aim of its creators is keeping Giulia always accessible, naturally, printing centers and materials have a cost and require work.
I cannot or do not want to print, can you produce Giulia for me? Yes, but depending on the request we might prioritize schools and institutions. Subject to prior evaluation.
Can I improve or modify Giulia? Yes but not for industrial/scalable commercial purposes, see CC BY-NC-SA license 4.0
Can I share the improvement I made on Giulia? Yes but not for industrial/scalable commercial purposes, see CC BY-NC-SA license 4.0
Commercial usage: If you’re an established business, you agree with keeping the .stl models always public and accessible, and you want to offer a parallel commercial option to your clients please contact us using the form on the homepage of this website.
Can I report misuse or a suspected unlicensed version of Giulia? Yes. Giulia comes from a patented and patent-pending original design applied to other commercial products. The patent owners wanted Giulia’s .stl files to be accessible also via CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 to overcome geographical and commercial barriers, for educational purposes and individual use, especially for visually impaired kids.

Who are Giulia’s authors?: Giulia was created by Stefano and Eleonora Vuga, designer & teacher, with the precious help of the Maths Teachers of a certified institute for visually impaired children.
Giulia is the result of ongoing research accepted and presented for the first time during a Poster Session at the MIT LINC conference held on June 18th, 2019 in Cambridge MA, US. See the full abstract here (Release date June 18th, 2019).
DISCLAIMER, for you and for your trusted 3D printing center
Giulia requires a high level of precision in printing. It is suggested to use PLA. However, since it is impossible to take into account all the variables due to the type of printing technique -the machinery, the materials and the accuracy of the 3D printing center’s work and so on- we strongly recommend that you print only two samples per piece. Test the joints and if necessary ask for assistance for a slight intervention to optimize the joints sizes, directly at your trusted 3D printing center, then print the production.
A good practice is to share technical information about your 3D printing experience through your closed professional groups and networks. As well as sharing your experience with us if you wish to.
Once downloaded the files, be sure that the software you’re using is scaling properly the objects. For the object “Unit” cube, the correct size is: 30.25×30.25×30.25mm, 1.1909449×1.1909449×1.1909449inches. If necessary use it as reference and scale accordingly all the other objects.
Where the component’s color is not defined, use the same color for all the components. The native grey of the resins or any other white/grey material is fine. The usage of some specific colors with some components is suggested for users not entirely visually impaired.
This is the first release of this project, V1.0, we will constantly update this page and improve the downloadable models.
For the educators
Open the video in full screen
ResearchGate I EasyChair